Jan 5, 2014

Is Rainbow Dash in a hurry? Fast and slow

¿Rainbow Dash está apurada?
-Estoy apurada. -Rainbow Dash está volando muy rápido, tiene cara de concentrada. El viento le vuela el flequillo hacia atrás. ¿En qué estará pensando? Parece preocupada (Tiene cara de preocupada). Debe estar pasando (Estará pasando) algo grave y urgente.
-No estoy apurada. -Ahora vuela muy lento. Está paseando. Mira hacia atrás, distraída. Está despreocupada. Tiene la crin bien acomodada. No está despeinada.
-Rainbow Dash definitivamente no está apurada. No está volando, está durmiendo en una nube. Está acostada en una nube, está durmiendo. ¡Parece tan relajada! Tiene dulces sueños. Parece dormir el sueño de los justos. Yo creo que es varonera porque la criaron como a un varón. ¡Sus padres tardaron en darse cuenta de que sería mujer!

Is Rainbow Dash in a hurry? "I'm in a hurry" Rainbow Dash is flying very fast. Fringe, bangs, forelock, blown backward by the wind. She looks concentrated, and worried. What woud be happening? Something serious, grave, it's urgent. "I'm not in a hurry". Rainbow Dash is flying slow (slowly?). She doesn't look worried. She drifts aroud? goes for a walk? Her horse hair is in its place, it's not in a mess. -Rainbow Dash is not flying, she is sleeping (lying) on a cloud. She is definitely not in a hurry. She looks so relaxed. She dreams sweet dreams. She looks like sleeping the sleep of the justs. I think she is a tomboy because she was raised as a boy. Her parents didn't realise at her infance that she would be a woman when she grew up!